Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Update

I am going to start the weekend on Friday afternoon as my visit by the German Polizei is too good to pass up. I had been researching my weekly paper for school and decided to take a break to watch Grey's from the night before when the bell rang. Of course I didn't answer it as I was in my pajama pants and my gym rats gone wild t-shirt, and I wasn't expecting anyone. I heard my neigbor talking to someone and then my bell rang again..."great" was my thought and I opened the door to find a pair of Polizei. They wanted me to identify my husband in a photo from Christmas as he was caught on camera in Bavaria speeding in the rental car we had. Then after I identified him, they had me fill out some paper work wanting me to check a box that said I was driving and then wanted me to sign TJ's name...I was like no way, I wasn't driving I can't do that. They wouldn't understand why I wouldn't sign his name and we went round and round for a while, until finally I offered to sign my own name after they showed me a second picture of the entire car with Tut and I pictured as well. What a mess, and a long interruption in my afternoon! I would really appreciate it if I never had a visit from the polizei again.
That night we went out with some of TJ's work people, an Irish couple, another American ex-pat, and an American visiting the company. It was great! We headed way out past Bad Durkheim to a wine bar first and shared a few bottles of wine and entertained eachother before heading a little further out to a cute little German restaurant where they serve Argentinian steaks. For those of you who don't know, it is not easy to find a good steak in Germany especially when you are from Iowa. All in all, we were out for about 5-6 hours centered around wine and food.
The rest of the weekend was filled with grocery shopping, workouts, and walks with Tut by the river. We have planned to stay home until my class is over and we go to Austria at the end of February, so we are going to be spending more time in our community rather than traveling around. The weather has been getting better here so it will be nice to hang around a little bit more!
Auf Wiedersehen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG---the police are serious over there!