Thursday, January 29, 2009

French Surprise

I love it when TJ has to go to France for work. Not because I want him to leave us for a few days, but more because I love what he brings home! Last night he arrived with a dozen bottles of wine, a fresh baguette, several types of cheese, and news that a bottle of evian only cost 50 cents in France. Who knew? The best part about the wine, was that it wasn't all wine. TJ brought back a beautiful bottle of pink champagne from the champagne region! I love champagne! Also there was a box of red wine in the mix...he told me he got it to prove that the French do drink boxed wine. Yes that might be true, but Annie hasn't drank wine out of a box since sophmore year at Iowa when Linh used to have her wine and cheese parties! Something tells me this might be a little better than Franzia White Zinfandel.
After he settled in we had a bottle of Pinot Noir and some comte cheese for dessert. It was a lovely Wednesday night!
Auf Wiedersehen

1 comment:

TJ said...

you know how i know you're euro? when you have cheese for dessert