Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New President

This will be my third blog about Obama, which is something I never thought I would do...but I'm doing it. I kind of feel like I need to as people in Germany find this moment in history as important as we do. When we first arrived, during campaign season, people would meet us and want to know who was going to win...or just want to talk about it in general. I thought that was so weird, and now I think it is so cool. Germans at the office have been talking to TJ about their excitement, and even his language teacher wants to hear more about Obama from him during his lesson. We were at a party with a bunch of Germans our age and they were thrilled to hear we supported Obama. During Oktoberfest, we hung out with some Austrailians who were simply excited of the prospect of him being elected. It's funny that most of America was inspired by hope and change, and the rest of the world hoping for change.
Last night TJ hurried home from work, which was difficult as he was on the tram (still no car), to find me tuned in to all the coverage. It was so cool, the sea of people, the anticipation, the oath, and then the speech. Loved the speech!
And the go Michelle! I wasn't able to hear or see what she wore to the ball, but she looked great yesterday. And the girls were also dressed so cute. I won't leave out Jill Biden either as I loved her boots! I heard Michelle's designer is only well known amongst designers and she better forget that one now as she will be a very wealthy woman!
All in all, an amazing moment!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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