Friday, January 16, 2009

Morning Routines

Do you have a morning routine? I just realized today that I definitely have one. It used to be get up, get dressed, get to work to teach an early class...or get up, take a shower, and hurry up to get to work if I didn't have a class. How times have changed. Now I almost have a ritual of getting up and opening the shades and immediately taking Tut out for his walk. After we get back I feed him and then make my cup of coffee and peanut butter toast, and then settle in front of the computer to check the blogs I follow and check my email. I have promised TJ that I will be getting a Facebook page in March after I am done with my Masters, so I am sure that will fit in there too. After all of that is done, I check slingbox to see what is recorded from the night before and then plan my day. And my routine takes a little while...its wierd I never remember having any time in the morning to do anything besides making my 15 minute daily trip to Starbucks with Cox after a 6am class. I hope I am able to take more time in the morning for me when I start working again instead of rushing.
Tomorrow my routine will have to start a little earlier than 8 am as TJ and I will be going to the Black Forest to try out my new snowboard, boots, and bindings. The last time I boarded I noticed it was hard for me to control my board, and carving was getting better but still hard to control as well. Why? Oh because my board was way too big for me! Through all of this we upgraded me to better boots as well and I already love them! I'm a lucky girl.
I am interested in knowing if anyone else has a routine that they go through each morning as I think it is amazing that I do.
Schones Wochenende, and Auf Wiedersehen!


PetraAdventures said...

Hi Annie! Congratulations! Love your wedding picture, you both look wonderful! Happy New Year too! I love your Dublin pics. Brett sent me your blog link.

As far as morning routings go...I get up at 6:00 (more like Chris shoves me out of bed after 3 snoozes), take a shower (can't think without one), and then say hi to the zoo (4 cats). On to breakfast - Brazilian yogurt is very liquidy and the cereal is fantastic, healthy good stuff, no sugar-added, lots of grains, all for under 200 cals. Gotta love it. Was miserable with fatty US yogurt at Christmas!!! Back to normal. Then it's off to work at 7:15 when the housekeeper arrives (yeah, eat your heart out, haven't cleaned a bathroom in 2 years). Swing by the bakery so Chris can get his daily doze of caffeine (20 oz Diet Coke and 2 Charge bars) while I sit in the car (takes him 2 minutes exactly). Arrive at work by 7:22. Did you do the math? Our town is about 3 miles end to end, haha, never stuck in traffic!!!!!

Love your blog! You're an awesome blogger!!!!!
Lots of love,

Annie said...

Alina, It is so good to hear from you! Love the routine, especially jealous of Chris's ability to get Diet Coke as we have Coke Light and it is not the same! Are you loving you ex-pat assignment? We are loving it and taking full advantage of the endless travel.PS you are killing me with the housekeeper thing!
Love, A

PetraAdventures said...

Well, yeah, it's Coca Light, but after you've had 1,000,000 of them, you only realize the difference when you go home at Christmas. We love being expats! We get the royal treatment. The bad thing is we are in a remote location, so it takes 6 hours by car or 4 hours puddle jumping to get to a major city (with 220 lbs of luggage, my usual, won't fit in a puddle jumper). I would SO love living in Germany, I've been Chris to try to get us over there. I'm even taking some basic German courses for the fun of it. I love your travel plans! Go for it girl, do it while you can !!!!
