Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe another year has come and gone for TJ and I...we had a wonderful 2008 with many highs! We are actually still in Dublin resting before we hit the town again tonight, so I thought I would take a moment to review some of the highlights from our year.
It started off pretty good with me ringing in 2008 with my good friend Rebecca, and TJ in AZ with all of the boys. We love our friends and had many opportunities to be with them this year for which I am very thankful. We had a great long weekend in Breckenridge with two of our closest friends in March for a snowboarding excursion, and were fortunate enough to get to see more of our friends and my family on the weekends as we had moved back to the midwest. TJ and I both had our 30th birthdays in May and August, and found ourselves engaged and married in between the two! These events caused many great ones to follow with a prewedding vacation through the southwest and good times with family and close friends around the big day. Professionally, TJ was moved to his company's European office which has opened the door for many more opportunities for him in the long run...and at least two years of traveling opportunities for the both of us. Aside from moving to Germany, we have visited 6 other countries in 4 months, Luxembourg, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and have now finished out the year in Ireland.
Like I said before, it has been a great year and I hope 2009 can measure up! This year we look forward to traveling regularly, and most of all taking our very long awaited honeymoon in May. The one event I am most looking forward to would be the completion of my MBA this March. I seriously can't wait for it to be over! For right now we wish you a Gute Neu Jahre, and since we are in Ireland...the best of luck! Oh yes, and today...Go Hawks!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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