Thursday, January 22, 2009

Got Milk?

I think it is time that we discussed the German milk situation. I know it is not popular, but my family drinks a lot of milk...and it seems as though I am always buying it, or trying to buy it. We use it in our morning coffee, in cereal, and also drink it most nights with our dinner. There are several different brands of milk...some in cartons, some in bottles that look like the milk man brought them...and all at different fat percentages. Oh yes, and they only come in liter containers. There is even milk in the stores that is not refridgerated. This is very suspect and I don't know a single American that has braved this route.
So now that you know that background of what is available, I should tell you that I am strictly a skim milk girl. Anything else tastes like a horrible milkshake to me. TJ, on the other hand, will drink anything in date. I have two gigantic problems and then another one. One skim milk (0% fat) doesn't exist here, and the closest thing is called "FitMilsch", translated is "fit milk", and is a low percentage- under 1%, but clearly not 0%. My second problem is that the market closest to my house doesn't ever carry it. They mostly have 3.5% milk and the lowest they carry is 1.5% (hello, yuck), which is fine for TJ, but not me. The closest fitmilsch site is in Ilvesheim at Rewe, or in Edingen at Real. These are both bike rides or car rides away. Even if I did have a car (yes we still don't have one) or it was warm and safe enough to bike, there is no guarantee that it would be available! Sometimes, I will get lucky and there will be one or two liters available (two liters a little more than a half gallon). Clearly not enough. TJ could drink 4 liters all by his lonesome per week. This would be about a gallon. BTW my fridge is a smidge larger than a dorm fridge so 4 liters is a maximum situation. Can you believe the issues I have with milk logistics?
What I would give to run to Hy-Vee and grab an AE gallon of cold, skim milk! So skim milk drinkers, the next time you are lucky enough to pull out a full gallon of skim me a favor and savor it. And please don't waste it, there are small Annies in Germany that don't have the luxury of drinking skim milk!
Auf Wiedersehen

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