Monday, February 16, 2009

A Weekend in Fieberbrunn, Austria

We had a lot of fun with our friends Darren and Kristi in the Alps this weekend, so I thought I would share some of the good times...and one unfortunate one. It took us a long time to get there as traffic was horrible and we had a little trouble in Bavaria with the weather...but after 6-6.5 hours we made it to Fieberbrunn. It was really cute. The hotel we stayed in was awesome, it was a castle from the 1100's that had been turned into a hotel some time ago. It was huge and very charming. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of the hotel, but it was pretty. So we immediately went to dinner at the mexican restuarant that only had italian food adjacent to the hotel to meet Darren and is a good picture of them and their pup. After dinner we went back to their room for a night cap and so that Tut could meet their dog, Daisy. This next photo about somes it up...she was interested in him, but also hid behind her mom a lot. I can't blame her...Tut is nearly seven times larger than her.
It was snowing when we got there and didn't stop the whole time. Here is a picture from our room of the blanket of snow we woke up to the day we went snowboarding. We got extremely excited! Snowboarding in this much powder is the best!

I especially loved the trees. They were so pretty weighted down in the white stuff!

We went really early...before most Europeans as they stay up partying most of the night. We got there at 8:30 just in time to step on the lift without waiting. The first run was wide open with at least a foot of uncut was awesome! Here is the token picture of Annie in TJ that we take on all of our snowboarding trips. You can see that it was still snowing and the sun didn't come out all day because of it.

The altitude was getting to all of us so we took a drink break to find...chili. So Kristi and I got a bowl to share with our hubbies it was delicious!

While we were there we found some people dressed up like cows that were starting their shots at 12:30. They were just leaving when I got back at 3:30. That was right after I witnessed grown adults skiing dressed up like lady bugs. Strange happenings.

What I don't have a picture of is TJ getting injured. This happened right before lunch when he suffered a fall and hurt his foot trying to stop the tumble. No biggy for a tough guy like TJ...he snowboarded for 3.5 hours afterwards. After our long and super fun day, we took our showers and headed back to the mexican-italian restaurant to consume gross amounts of food and drinks. Too bad we couldn't keep our eyes could have turned into a late night, although I am glad it didn't as TJ's foot was blowing up like a balloon and he had to hop everywhere in complete pain. He was okay at dinner though, here is a photo of our post-slope dinner.

When we got back to the room TJ layed in agony with his foot propped all night long. It was kind of sad :( and there went a romantic Valentine's Day! Here he is in pain...

Yeah so TJ layed in agony and our dog found himself intriguing in the mirror and continued to stare at himself for most of the evening. We thought it was really funny so here is a picture of can see his eyes in the mirror glowing. Funny dog.

TJ's injury was worse the next day and lucky for me that meant I had to load the car (4 trips back and forth from the room) and drive back to Mannheim...a five hour drive. Love it! Poor TJ then had another bad incident when he tripped and fell on his way down to the car and skinned his hand pretty good. I think Kristi described him well when she said, "Wow TJ, you are walking accident"! Darren and I couldn' stop laughing as it is so true. TJ had to work from home today as he is still out of commission and swears he will be fine tomorrow. We will see...and I will keep you posted.
Auf Wiedersehen!

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