Monday, December 22, 2008

Poor TJ

Good Monday, Everyone! So I have a very boring weekend update for all of you as I spent much of it waiting to hear where my husband was from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. TJ took a two week tour of the US that turned into 16 days due to bad weather in the Midwest...I know, shocker, right? He started out in Chicago to hang with the guys; worked in Moline and visited the Kremer's; worked in Waterloo and saw my parents; went to San Diego for April's wedding; Aspen to snowboard with JD; and then to Nashville to visit his brother. He was supposed to leave Nashville Friday night, connect in Chicago and be here on Saturday about noon. It sure didn't happen that way. He did leave Nashville, but got stuck in O'Hare and didn't get home to me until 3:30 yesterday. Oh yes, and his bags are somewhere between the two continents. This is mostly a problem for me as he was bringing back our photo Christmas cards and they are in the bags. Sorry family and friends, you will not be receiving them until the New Year...we can just call them New Year cards, okay?
TJ was a mess and totally exhausted yesterday...he had no idea what the time was and if he was supposed to be tired or hungry. I am sure it was worth it as he said he had a great time, although he did find some things interesting! We had been warned by international HR about having different reactions to going home for visits and then repatrioting after our assignment. TJ only had a couple, thankfully! He said the lack of recycling bothered him, as well as driving. Here we recycle everything, and you rarely see paper cups or nonsense trash. I suppose we get used to that here as he really noticed the waste. And driving here is really different too. I don't really know how to explain it, I think you have to be over here driving for a while to notice. Since I haven't any plans to go back until October, I wonder if I will have similar reactions. Any way, hopefully he recovers by Wednesday morning as that is when we are to leave for Salzburg. Thats all from Deutschland! Auf Wiedersehen!

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