Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eternal Rome

Here we are in front of the Trevi Fountain and it is one of our favorites. There are many piazzas or squares throughout the city with incredible wonders in each mostly dreamed up by Gianlorenzo Bernini, an architecht and sculptor from Florence. These fountains, sculptures, and obelisks...and of course a few churches are what makes up Eternal Rome. I don't know much detail about these monuments and sculptures as we did not take a tour, we just liked to "Rome" the streets and find them.
Here are a few pictures of them.

The Trevi Fountain at night...

Here is one of 13 obelisks that remain in the city. These originally existed in Egypt and were shipped over here when Egypt was under Roman rule. This one is at the top of the Spanish Steps.
At the bottom of the Spanish Steps there is a dreamy high end shopping district that is home to stores like Versace, Dior, and of course Valentino. This is the street where you can find them.

One of the more famous piazzas is the one where you can find the Pantheon. This was one of TJ's favorites. It is super old and was originally built as a temple to the Gods, but since the 7th century it has been a catholic church. It is also the oldest dome in Rome.

Inside the Pantheon is quite amazing. The dome is open and it was raining, but there was a marked off area where the water went.

The Pantheon holds two tombs, one of which is the tomb of Raphael the famous painter, and the other is Vittorio Imanuel himself.

The Tiber River flows through Rome and is very old and green. Yes it is very green. It is only 9 km and has 22 bridges. The bridges are very beautiful and old, but don't look at the sort of ruins it.

Another pretty fountain at the Piazza Poppola...

This is also at the Piazza Poppola and is an entrance to Villa Borghese. Unfortunately we didn't go through Borghese because the weather was not fun at the time.

Rome is just really pretty with a surprise around every corner. These were just the few I picked to show you. Tune in to TJ's Flickr later in the week for more photos. Tomorrow is Vatican Day...
Auf Wiedersehen

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