Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nice, France

We hopped on the bus after Cannes and spent the afternoon in Nice which is about 30 minutes down the road by bus. I think I liked Nice better than Cannes as it seemed as there was more room for it and it was far less congested with traffic and people. I wish we would have had more time in this area as there was so much that we didn't get to see of the town. From the picture above you can see the fantastic view..I could stare at the water all day! I love the next shot too as you can see just how blue it is from the beach and out into the sea.

Nice is still very charming like Cannes as you can see the cuteness in the next street view. Although many of the streets look different depending on where you are.

We had lunch in the market area of the city where there are an abundance of fantastic restaurants as well as a huge flower and produce market in the middle of it. The flowers were simply gorgeous and huge...I wished that I could have bought some to bring back but it would have just been a waste in our tiny room on the ship. Here is a picture of a small portion of the market area...

For lunch we stopped at a cute french bistro and had some great food. We started with a french cheese plate, then TJ and had oysters and I had the BEST mussels ever! It was so good! Once we had fueled up we decided to climb about a million stairs up to a waterfall we had gotten a glimpse of at lunch. It was a beautiful climb that was well worth the views and falls. Here I am under one of them...

It took a while to get up and we sort of rushed down to get on our bus. Along the way we found some botanical gardens in the middle of city blocks on one of the main streets. The were so pretty...and here is TJ in front of one of the fountains.

Once we got back to the boat it was all we could do to get ready for the ship's formal night. We didn't have much time but we made it! At dinner the wait staff put on a performance for us and here is TJ spinning his napkin in the air like most other diners.

We were so tired from our day, so that night we took it easy at my favorite place...the piano bar! Here we are before calling it a night...

Thankfully we had the next morning to recover before we docked in Sardinia because we needed the rest. I did love the south of France though and look forward to going back!!! More on Sardinia tomorrow!
Auf Wiedersehen!