Thursday, March 26, 2009

QC Excursion

I spent a few days in the Quad Cities and had a great time with old friends and great shopping. I had to go for a doctors appointment, but made my time there even longer by coming early and staying late! It started Monday night when I first stopped by the Kremer's to pick up some stuff to take back home and see their adorable little girl. We LOVE this family! I have known Nick as long as I have known my hubby and they are essentially a life line for us as they house our sling box (DVR)...and to me they deserve sainthood just for that. I wasn't able to stay long as I had a hot date with Angie and Missy in the East Village to get to. They were gracious enough to let me crash for a few days while I was in the area. That was a blast...there is never a dull moment with these two! Here is a photo of us from that night...

Tuesday brought me stimulating the economy a little by visiting some favorite hot spots before meeting my former boss, Amy, for lunch at Chic-Fil-A (another on of my favs). It was so fun to catch up with her!
Those who know me will not be surprised that I planned to exercise while I was there for later that day at the West and Downtown Ys. It was so fun to see everyone, but the highlight...three Les Mills classes in a row!!! It started with RPM, the BODYSTEP, and then I wrapped it up with a BODYPUMP. At home, I can RPM and STEP on my own as my gym in Germany lets me use their stuff...but they don't have PUMP equipment so I hadn't done that in over six months. The result is a very sore Annie! Here is my friend Jen teaching that PUMP class, this is a view of only part of the participants though...

I was ravanous by the end of those three hours and looked forward to some very delicious Happy Joes at Jen's. It was fun to catch up there as well...miss you Jen!!! I think the classes wore me out as I was exhausted the next day, but it was well worth it! Before I left town I stopped by to see my cousin Kim and her baby Drew as they couldn't make it to the family gathering last week. It is always so much fun to catch up with Kim, and Drew...HE IS SO CUTE! See for yourself, this is Kim and Drew...

What a heartbreaker, right? And the icing is that he is such a good boy. Good times in the QC had by all, I think! I will certainly make time to go back in October when I am home :).
Auf Wiedersehen!

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