Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Killers Killed

The Killers were freaking awesome in Dusseldorf last night! I cannot explain to you in words how great the show was. It was one of those shows that was so good that you couldn't believe it was over at the end...I thought they hadn't played long enough and TJ explained they were playing forever- but they are that good. They immediately started with "Human" and then wrapped it up with "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine". The Killers fans out there know that I need not say more.
Here are a few pictures of the show...

I am surprised TJ and I have a voice today! The first time I saw them was on their first tour in Myrtle Beach at the House of Blues (with great friends) and it was a completely different show...not necessarily better or worse, but a completely different performance. They even jazzed up the sound effects, chanting, crowd participation, and techno stuff for the Euros...they love that stuff. It is hard to even pick out a the best song of the night, "Human", "Neon Tiger", and "Mr. Brightside"were up there...but I also loved "I Can't Stay"! I am glad we had a show, the last one they had in Amsterdam was cancelled because of a bomb threat. Too bad so sad Holland because they rocked!!
The venue was also could get as many beers as you could carry at a time (and they provide carriers that hold six). TJ and I were very happy fans. Can't you tell?

All in all, great time!
Auf Wiedersehen

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