Saturday, September 13, 2008

Could I be any luckier?

So I know that I said I would upload pictures this time, but I had to run by Starbucks to upload an assignment and quickly see what is going on in the US...and forgot my camera...Sorry! Tuesday I get the internet at home and I will do it then - promise!
So I have to tell you about some people I have met in our new village. Our neighbors are so great I could not be any luckier. They are a German couple named Oliver and Susan and they speak fabulous english! In fact they have come over to translate for me several times with the workers coming in and out of the apartment. Better yet, he lived in Chicago while working for Anderson Consulting and got his MBA from UConn. It gets better...Susan and Oliver have been ex-patriots three times that I know of in three very different parts of the world so she knows exactly what I am going through and has offered to go with me to different places to help with the language barrier and promised to help in any ways she can. She said she had someone like this in New Jersey that spoke German and she was grateful for it! I am sure she will pay it forward to me and then maybe I can do the same in the future. What a relief! They also have a daughter that LOVES Tut Anthony (and who wouldn't). My battery is low, so until Tuesday...

Auf Wiedersehen!


Anonymous said...

Hey, at least they have Starbucks!
You don't need Micky D's! Eat a pastry instead:)
Love from Iowa!

Unknown said...

Yay! You are so fortunate to have a great neighbor! This should make things easier :) Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Oliver (obviously I'm partial to the name:) and Susan sound great! I'm so glad you've met nice people already. It sounds like you're in a totally different world, and I'm loving reading all about it!