Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More Workers

I hate it when workers come in our apartment. We even have a small leak in our guest shower and haven't addressed it because I hate having workers in here. I think I did a similar post last year when we arrived about how much I don't like it, but it isn't as bad when they are in the building but in a different apartment which was the case for most of the winter as they were finishing the basement apartment. Part of what I don't like is the smoking- or even the smell of cigarettes on them, body odor, and most of all the way they they have all the time in the world and assume you do as well.
On Sunday night our bell rang and it was the landlord letting us know that someone would be arriving at 8:30 the next morning to complete our balcony. I was clearly not thrilled as I was looking forward to sleeping in and finishing off my jet lag, but I really thought it was a good idea to have a finished balcony as the weather was to be dry and sunny all week. I was up and showered when 8:30 rolled around and of course no one showed up until 11:00! I hate is almost better in the US when the cable guy gives you a four hour window so that at least you know they will be there by a certain time. Whatever! They came in for maybe a half hour andtalked to eachother...blah, blah...then let me know they would be back around 5 pm to finish up. At 7 pm, our landlord came up and sure enough they weren't coming until the next morning at 9 or 10. So there goes another day!!! As you can imagine 9 or 10 turned into noon...for 5 minutes and then this guy let me know that he would be back in two hours to finish. And he did, three hours later. The result was worth it I guess as we have the railing complete on the balcony. See for yourself...

Believe it or not...I am even thinking about putting a potted plant or something out there. Although it probably won't survive as the pots I planted at the Y last year didn't fare so well. I will keep you posted on that one! But it is I am thinking that I can enjoy my Wednesday since all of this woek is done...WRONG! Last night the bell rang again with news that someone is coming to put meters on the radiators at 8:00 Wednesday. Whatever, he didn't come until 10, but he is gone now thankfully. Just in time for me to walk Tut down to the dry cleaner and enjoy the rest of the sixty something day.
Auf Wiedersehen!


Unknown said...

Beautiful balcony! Are those office chairs out there?

Annie said...

No those are not office chairs! That is the wicker set from our front porch in Le Claire.

Unknown said...

Upon further inspection, you are correct. I regret the error.