Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Update

This weekend was really fun, but as seems as though all of our fun was on Saturday for the most part. Friday was mello...after cleaning the house and making a pizza, T and I watched "The Wrestler". I still haven't decided how I feel about the movie as a whole, although I can say for sure that I did like it or at least most of it.
Saturday TJ and I rode our bikes to the gym and had a great workout, but TJ seemed to have done something to his neck and I have listened to it for the entire weekend! We had two parties that night, one at an ex-pat's house and another for a German friend's house warming. I took my camera but the battery was dead...oops I should have checked it! The first get together was great as we caught up with other ex-pats and listened to their adventures...and as a result I officially need to go to Greece, and wouldn't mind the resort area in Egypt either! Then we went to Yvonne's and she had an apartment full of people. The party was really fun and I was able to catch up with a couple of people that I haven't seen in a while as well as meet a new friend, Niki. Niki is a Canadian that lives in Japan and teaches English and French there. She is visiting a buddy in Heidelberg for a little while and you will hear more of her as we have a shopping date this week. Other than that the one major thing I noticed was the diversity at her party. There were Germans of course, but also Americans, Canadians, English, Irish, and Spanish people as well...there may have been some from other places as well although I didn't speak to all of them. Like I was fun and TJ and I didn't make it home until nearly 2 am, which is late considering we went out at 5 pm.
Sunday TJ nursed his hang over and I went for a run. The weather was fantastic (78 degrees) so TJ, Tut, and I strolled downtown for some ice cream. This is always a good ending to any day!
This week, TJ goes to France...again and then I have a couple of dates. I have shopping with Niki and then an ex-pat coffee in Weinheim in addition to my training schedule. I haven't been blogging as much as I have been consumed with training for a half marathon in two weeks which happens to be right here in Mannheim and goes right through our little village...the luck! Other than that, the German Labor Day is Friday and Maimarkt is also going on, so hopefully I will have some more interesting posts for you through the week!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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