Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring in Seckenheim

Seckenheim is in bloom and I have to say the Spring here is getting off to a good start. I went around snapping pictures of the area on Monday while I was walking Tut so you could kind of see the area where I live in Springtime. The best part has been the sun and the temperature. It has been between 65 and 75 degrees each day since I got home last Sunday. I couldn't be happier! So enjoy the photos!

This one is of the walkway acrosse the street that gets us to the path that goes around Seckenheim. The city maintains it.
And this is our path that Tut and I walk each and every day at least once. The stone wall on the left will have beautifully colored vines on it in the late summer and fall. Beyond the wall are houses and to the left across the streets there are fields with paths through them. You can barely see it, but the city planted yellow daffodils every once in a while on the green space.
A small park area off the path...

And a look at the cemetary. The plots are really beautiful as they are raised in front of the head stone and loved ones can plant what ever they want in a mini garden. There has been a lot of planting lately. In the summer I will take another one when they are grown in...quite amazing!

This is Tut's horse in the field behind our neighborhood. Tut is obsessed with this beast and we check on him daily.
A look at our neighborhood from the field paths...
They plant year round here. Here is a shot of the groomed fields before the Spring planting. It could be corn or asparagus or whatever.

With our new balcony and great temperatures, Tut is enjoying his afternoon sunnings on the warmed tile. This is probably his favorite thing about the Spring!
I will snap some more in May or June so you can see how beautiful it gets. It seems to be always changing!
Mike and Jenny arrive today from Council Bluffs and then tomorrow we all go to Amsterdam for the weekend!!!! A full report next week...stay tuned!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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