Friday, April 3, 2009


Since I have finished school about a month ago, I have become completely obsessed with reading books- fiction and non-fiction. I have always liked reading, but now I have found more of a joy in it than ever before. It might be that I have an obscene amount of time on my hands or somehting else, but I truly enjoy it as many do. I just finished a book called Shantaram, by David Gregory Roberts that is loosely based on his life...which is far more interesting than most of ours as a Australian fugitive who fled to Bombay. The book was given to TJ by his BFF for his 30th birthday as it was one of his favorites, and I promised myself I would get to read the giant (935 pages) upon graduating and a gift it was as it might be my favorite to date. If you get the chance you should pick it up :).
While I was in the States I made a trip to the Barnes and Noble to pick up a few (7) books to possibly get me through the summer. Next on my list is the long awaited Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea. I read her first one My Horizontal Lifestyle and have never laughed out loud so much with a book! Since the weather has turned into the warmer and sunnier Spring that it is, the plan is to pick a nice day at least once a week and go to Luisenpark to lounge in the sun and read. Wish me luck!
Auf Wiedersehen

2 comments: said...

You will laugh more at Are You There Vodka It's Me Chelsea....hilarious!

Unknown said...

Wow, Scott, didn't know you were into Chelsea, or maybe it was Laura...anyhoo, it's a great book!