Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Trip Is On!

It is official...TJ, Tut, and I will be leaving for Switzerland in less than 24 hours for the first snowboarding trip of the season! We are so excited! So last night I got out all the gear and laid it out to make sure everyone had two of everything before we head out. Also the clothes needed to be aired a little since they had been in a box since March. TJ will need to wax the boards tonight and then we should be set!
There isn't snow much of anywhere yet, except for the glaciers, and we just happened to pick a spot on the north side of the Matterhorn. How awesome! Every time I fall it won't be that bad as I can just look up at that majestic peak! We are boarding at a place called Crans-Montana and I will be sure to have tons of pictures of it to post on Monday.
The trip shouldn't be that bad as it is only about 5 hours depending on traffic. FYI to all that have never been to Switzerland that my take a trip there by car. You will need to go to the ADAC (AAA of Germany) and purchase a sticker for your car before you can drive on Swiss roads. It is $25 and lasts until January 31st of each year. The same applies for Italy and Austria (except this sticker only lasts 10 days), and for Austria you will need to purchase a bright orange vest to have in your car. You cannot get out of your car by the side of the road unless you have it on (the cost is about 5 EUR).
Any way, wish us luck and say a mini prayer that no one ends up in Swiss ER (TJ) with dare devil board slices! More on Monday...
Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see pictures!! Have fun!!!!