Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just Tuesday

T-minus 2 weeks until full time German is over! Hazel and I are both counting the days down to when we have our freedom back! I actually like learning the language (well today any way) and want to continue, but perhaps not every day. Notice your German lessons have come to an abrupt stop as I don't want to think about it anymore after 4.5 hours of class and at least 2 hours of homework. I'm sorry, or "Tut mir leid" as we say here...so there is a lesson for you!
The cultural issue in class that has been driving me crazy would be the complete disrespect for others. I have mentioned before that most of the students here are from Libya, which is fine and they are nice people BUT I want to take their cell phones and throw them out the window!!! Some of us have been taking these lessons seriously and would like to not be interrrupted by loud and annoying ring tones that are not silenced. Sometimes they start talking right there in class and other times they start talking while making their way out of class, but most of the time they just let them ring. Hello! Turn off the phone, or silence it at least. I haven't exactly figured out why our instructor has let it go on...Hazel and I have just chalked it up to cultural differences.
German aside, we did recieve good news today...we are receiving our new, improved, and road worthy car on Friday at 10 am. What does this mean? Well, it just might mean the first snowboarding trip of the season!!! TJ and I actually watched a super cheesy movie called "Out Cold" last night about a bunch of snow boarders...starring Jeremy London (you may have remembered him from Party of Five). Today, since we still do not have internet at home, I am at school searching for the closest glacier. It will be far, cold and Tut will need to pack his sweaters, but we can't wait!
Finally, I would like to give a shout out to three of the four of my closest friends who will be "hangin' tough" tonight at the NKOTB concert. Carrie, Kelly, and Bec have a fabulous time tonight with former heart throbs Jordan, Jonathon, Joey, Donnie, and Danny. If I could be there I certainly wouldn't miss it!
Have a good day! Auf Wiedersehen

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