Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend Update

We stayed at home for the most part this weekend which was marvelous after the exhausting weekend we had last weekend in Munchen. It was also extremely delightful as I was a wet noodle by the end of language class on Friday! Normally I cook most of the week but TJ thought it would be fun to ride our bikes into town and have dinner and a few beers to unwind. He certainly did not have to ask me twice! It was great because we had just gone over restaurant etiquette, how to order, etc. in class that day so I was able to put it to use and help TJ with the menu...for once! Two soups (suppen), One Lasagna (same), One Spaghetti (same), two ice creams (eisen), and two beers (bier) later we were done and rode home.
Saturday started with yet another trip to Ikea. If I never go there again it will be too soon! We purchased a futon to put in the office, to watch TV, for T to play rock band, and for guests if more than four come at a time. Good purchase, horrible place to shop! It is like Walmart in the US...stuff everywhere, kids screaming, not enough people working...well you know if you have ever been to Walmart on a Saturday. We hung out the rest of the day, it was just what the doctor ordered.
Sunday we decided to do something as it was so nice out. So we rode our bikes to a giant park in Mannheim called Luisenpark. This park is different in that you have to pay to get in and some people have annual passes. Did I say it was giant? It is and perfect for all ages. I love it right now because all the leaves are changing and the colors are great, although some of these pictures I took a couple weeks ago when I was hosting one of the JD wives. Take a look!

The is a pond that is located in the center of the park, kind of splittong it in two and you can ride the boats from one side to the other. They are on a cable and move at the same speed at the same distance. Here is one of the many restaurants in the park, this one is more of a cafe and is adjacent to the small display of animals and plants inside. In the background you can see the needle. It sits at the back of the park and there is also a restaurant where you can look out and see the city. We haven't been but I can't wait to go!
You find the oddest things in the park, like grapes. Yes it is a small vineyard and I believe you can buy wine there as well.
The gardens here are beautiful, but right now I am in love with the vines! They are turning colors all over town and they are especially gorgeous here.
Here I am in the botanical center. It is very educational (if you speak German) as they have plated signs all over telling you what all the plants are. Also very pretty.
Germany is not only dog friendly, but very kid friendly. There are at least a dozen different play areas for kinder (children) all over the park, and the areas are not all the same. In fact there is a giant field with play structures in another area and there are little ones up to college kids playing, etc. This is just one themed as a castle.
And then there is life size chess...four boards to be exact.
More gardens. Some are elaborate and some are simple.
Not pictured are the Chinese tee gardens. Also, unique and not pictured is the farmyard petting zoo.
It is worth visiting when you come! We stopped at Fody's on our way home for burgers and called it a great weekend!
Now for German...its time to count...
0 Null (nool)
1 Eins
2 Zwei (zvi)
3 Drei (dry)
4 Vier (fear)
5 Funf (foonf)
6 Sechs (zeks)
7 Seiben (zeeban)
8 Acht (ockt)
9 Neun (Noyn)
10 Zehn (Zane)
11 Elf
12 Zwolf (Zvulf)
13 Driezehn (dry-zane)
14 Vierzehn (fear-zane)
15 Funfzehn (foonf-zane)
16 Sechzehn (zek-sane)
17 Siebzehn (zep-zane)
18 Achtzehn (ockt-zane)
19 Neunzehn (noyn-zane)
20 Zwanzig (zvanzish)
25 Funfundzwanzig (Foonf-oond-zvanzish)
30 Dreissig (dry-zish)
35 Funfunddreissig (foonf-oond-dry-zish)
40 Vierzig (fearzish)
45 Funfundvierzig (foonf-oond-fear-zish)
50 Funfzig (foonfzish)
55 Funfundfunfzig (foonf-oond-foonf-zish)
60 Sechzig (zekzish)
65 Funfundsechzig (foonf-oond-zek-zish)
70 Siebzig (zepzish)
75 Funfundsiebzig (foonf-oond-zep-zish)
80 Achtzig (Ocktzish)
85 Funfundachtzig (Foonf-oond-ockt-zish)
90 Neunzing (Noynzish)
95 Funfundneunzig (Foonf-oond-noyn-zish)
100 Ein Hundrt (Ein Hoondirt)
There you are, tomorrow we will do vocabulary!
Auf Wiedersehen!


Unknown said...

They have hamburgers in Germany? I'm in.

Annie said...

You know the hamburger originated in Hamburg, Germany, right?