Friday, October 24, 2008

My Bucket List

A few years ago on an annual girls trip it came up that I had a top ten list of things that I wanted to do before death. I wrote it right after I moved to Georgia over four years ago and promised to share it with them and never did. I was cleaning up my laptop and came upon them so I guess there is no time like the present.

Here it is...
1. Finish a marathon
2. Take a class at Les Mills Studio One in Auckland, New Zealand
3. Perfect Spanish or learn another foreign language
4. Earn a Master's Degree
5. Travel to six of the seven continents (sorry Antarctica)
6. Visit all 50 states
7. Attend the Olympic Games
8. Use every vacation day in every year
9. Sing karaoke all by myself (my biggest personal fear)
10. Do something big and completely selfless for a complete stranger

Some of these are obviously already in the mix, but I think that is the point! I know a lot of people that have five year plans, but I am curious to know if others have a top ten list. I wonder if I am in the minority and kind of wierd for doing writing down all of these goals...but I think I can't help but goal set. It was a large part of my undergraduate studies and, a giant part of the last eight years of my professional life. Well whether you write it down or not I would love to know what you want to do before you kick the bucket. Respond or shoot me an email if you get the hankering!
Auf Wiedersehen


hotflawedmama said...

Is there a reason you didn't tell me you had a blog? YAY! Now I can check in. :)

Annie said...

I thought you knew!!! Good to hear from you!