Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sicky Sickerton

I don't know what is wrong with me but I have been sick twice this month with the oddest things. Sadly both things have resulted with me going to the German doctor...and you have read how much I love that. I actually really like the doctor, its just his staff that I would like to put out of their misery. Any way, the first problem was at the beginning of June...after our cruise and before the trip to Berlin. It was a very painful eye infection that resulted in me wearing glasses for two weeks. I can't see with out glasses or contacts, so my workout regiman consisted of me running without specs to which I only saw blurriness. It was a really weird infection though and I now have a permanent tiny bump where the infection started that makes me paranoid that it may come back...nice. The next issue arrived Sunday, the beginnings of a sore throat, to which I thought was just a factor in my hangover, but Monday proved otherwise. It has turned into a really nasty sore throat that is now being treated by some sort of antibiotic thankfully. So why am I getting sick? It is certainly not cold and flu there such a thing as infection season? Because if there is I am doomed! My doctor just thinks that I am exposed to a germ pool that I haven't been exposed to before (although my Saturday night actions of drinking out of old horns may have something to do with the throat problem). And because of my random infections, I have to go back to the doctor's office (which I hate doing) in three weeks when I am "healthy" to get blood drawn so he can check things out. For now I am left with orders to "rest" for a couple of days and see how things feel. So while all of you are out having a great time at BBQs and partying away for the 4th I will be in my apartment with Tut resting. I guess this weekend is better than most to be stuck inside as most of our friends are in Cinque Terre, Italy or Milan, Italy this weekend. I am just glad I didn't book a trip! Thankfully the lighting of the Heidleberg Castle/Michael Jackson Memorial Party and out trip to Stockholm are the next two weekends unless I am plagued by some other odd infection. Wish me luck!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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