Friday, July 10, 2009


I think our neighbors are moving because they don't like us and we may have killed there plants while they were out of town. Let me explain. I actually really like our neighbors we just don't interact with them that much. They were ex-pats in the US for her husband's company and have lived in places like Brussels and Hong I have quite a lot in common with the wife. But we never see them even though they live across the hall, but we hear eachother. So I knoew somethng wasn't right when they went on vacation a month ago and left us this note that began, Hi "Neighbors". Yes, neighbors was in quotes...maybe alluding to us not being neighborly or it could be a language or cultural barrier. So it went on to say that they were going to be vacationing for three weeks in Florida and please water their plants in the hall. Mind you they never asked even though I live across the hall. If she would have asked I would have agreed, but let them know that we would be gone for 5 days in there and they would go un-watered. Also keep in mind that I have killed every plant that I have ever watered and couldn't keep a chia pet alive! So needless to say the plants did not look as good...but were clearly still alive upon their return. So when they returned about a week ago I went to take the dog out and the plants were gone! So I am thinking OMG they were disgusted with the plants and now they must be disgusted with us. They took them out of the stairwell...I even checked to see if they were on the balcony and they weren't! OK so last night I went down to the basement to get the plastic recycling as today was the pick up day and saw all of these boxes marked for moving. So I am a little panic-y because I kind of really don't want them to move and am afraid its because I haven't been neighborly or something. So today I take Tut out to potty and run into her in the hall and ask her if they are moving...they are...but only two blocks away. So now I am convinced that its because we suck as German neighbors. The worst part is that they are very familiar with American culture and seemed to be tolerant of us if we were loud or whatever and translated for us when needed. Now it will be interesting to see who moves in next door. The moral of the story here is make sure you keep your english-speaking neighbors plants alive when you live in a foreign country, or they might move!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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