Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Peddle Boats and Parks

Sunday was gorgeous so TJ and spent the afternoon outside in Heidelberg along the Neckar River. We have always wanted to peddle boat as so many do so we took the opportunity to do so and it was great! My only regret was leaving Tut at home as many people peddle boated with their dogs...and Tut loves a boat ride! It was also so pretty as Heidelberg so often is! Here are some views...

This is the old city and up on the hill is the castle.

After we peddled and worked our butts out in the process we headed down the bank to enjoys the river side park. TJ and I indulged in popcicles and TJ had a nice cold beer as we took our spots in the sun. The parks are so nice here and very well maintained...you can tell becuae tons of people use them! This is down the Neckar from where we were laying.

We hung out right in front of the volleyball and soccer area. FYI, all the people we saw playing soccer were awesome (including the kids) and everyone playing volleyball was horrible. Jeni Kremer could school these people and possibly hustle them :)!

Another great weekend day for us...with plenty more to come!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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