Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jet Lag or Something Else?

TJ, Tut, and I all got back on Sunday from our trips to the United States and I seem to be the only one with a jet lag problem! I am usually the one who is without this issue and get myself back normal by the end of day two. This would be day four and I am dying! What I would give for a normal day, and then a normal full night of sleep. Tut sure isn't helping matters as he was banished from our bed this Spring...yet has spent the last two months sleeping with his Grandma so now believes he should be able to sleep with us and has been very persistent through each sleepless night. He isn't the entire problem though as last night I found myself lying awake feeling achy. So now I can't help but wonder...could this be the beginnings of some awful illness and not the dreaded jet lag? I think probably not, but I still can't help but wonder as I spent a good few hours in the O'Hare airport and then about 8-ish hours on a plane. For now I have decided to diagnose myself as having jet lag and being extremely dehydrated. If I don't feel even the slightest bit better, my next action is to run as fast as I can to the chiro to get adjusted to see if that might help. We see...wish me luck though, I haven't time to be sick as the next wave of visitors arrives in one week!
Auf Wiedersehen!