Friday, October 16, 2009

A Night With David Sedaris

Last night was near perfect for me as my mom and best friend, Rebecca, made the journey to Quad Cities to see my most favorite author, David Sedaris, read several essays he has been working on. Listening to him read is certainly far better in person than over audiobook because the energy of the other listeners makes it far more fun. And he also speaks freely about his inspriation for some of the pieces and has a Q & A at the end, so it was nice to be able to witness his candour. In fact, at first I was disappointed that we didn't hear any stories about his brother, who is one of my favorites, and then later found out that he is "punishing" him by not writing about him at the moment...which is so funny if you know his brother! He also recommends other authors as well, which I appreciate since I have been saving his last book until his next book comes out for fear I won't have anything else that I want to read. The books he mentioned are: Our Dumb World and Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned in case you are looking for something else that he would read. In addition to David's fabulousness, the icing on the cake for me was him mentioning his favorable experience the Downtown Davenport YMCA...and further in the pool there. This tickled me silly for many, if I had still been the Aquatics Director there and Sedaris walked in I might have possibly screamed and/or fainted; and two, I have always believed that the Downtown Y is the best one in the QCA even though it is old and not as pretty. I love that he told the entire auditorium that he liked it too and lets hope they get a few new members or two out of it!
All in all it was a fantastic evening and I would do it again in a heartbeat! If you have the opportunity to see David Sedaris you should, but at the very least please pick up one of his favorite is Me Talk Pretty One Day. I soon leave for Augusta, Georiga to see TJ and other friends and food, so I will update you on that next week.
Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I was there too! Couldn't remember the whole title of the 'Everything Ravished, Everything Burned' book that he talked about. (I know, 4 words, 2 of which are the same, shouldn't be that hard!)
Anyway, my search brought me to your post. And I completely agree that anyone with the opportunity to see Sedaris should. I waited 3 hours after for an autograph and he is SOOOO nice! He had to be tired, but he really connects to each person that comes past the table. Talented, kind, gracious, he's a great person!