Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Heart Good Friends

Like this one.

This is my friend Hazel and she is officially my favorite person in Europe...well aside from TJ. I have posted about her before...we met in language school and she is now a German resident but originally came from Capetown, South Africa. Any way she has been a great friend the past months, but as of last Friday she became an excellent and extremely thoughtful friend. Why? She brought me a real Diet Coke back from her trip to California! That is all she did, but it might be the most wonderful thing anyone has done for me in recent memory. You see, Diet Coke is truly the only product I miss from the US. Everything else seems to have a sort of substitute...but not Diet Coke. They have this fake-out coke product called Coke Light and I do not appreciate it for it is a sad imitation. Any way it was so nice!
TJ was laughing at me when I went to consume it. I set aside some time where I could enjoy it. Saturday after our workouts and lunch I opened it and proceeded to drink it like a fine wine for the next hour. It was the best hour, and TJ mocked me for it! Its truly the little things in life that make me happy. Thanks Hazel!!!!
Auf Wiedersehen


Unknown said...

Hazel was like an angel bringing you the good old DC. What a true friend!! I'm glad you savored it!

Hazel said...

You are still making me laugh over this Diet Coke story. Especially since I do not even drink the fizzy drinks. But I will take your Rahnch salad dressing (spelled the phonic British way of cause) any day! It is simple delish!