Friday, May 1, 2009

Wieder im Kino

TJ and I went to the cinema again last night after sushi. It was fun...I much prefer the cinemas here as I have mentioned before because it is so clean and comfortable. TJ made the reservations for us to pick up the tickets before dinner where we got to choose our seats and what not...upon getting the tickets we were told I get a free glass of champagne (sekt) as some promotion upon entering the thoughts were "SWEET"! When we got back for the movie we grabbed a couple of snackers and I decided I would also need some sort of soda in addition to the I ordered a large Fanta thinking I would get like a McDonald's size large soda. Nope...instead I received a full liter of soda. Here I am in one of the lounge areas outside the theatre with my little glass of sekt and my gigantic Fanta.
That is another can get to the theatre early and lounge around and have a few beers if you want. I think it is pretty awesome. Needless to say I had almost half a Fanta left after drooling over Hugh Jackman in time I will go for the Klein or Mittel instead!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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