Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, TJ!!!!

Clearly today is TJ's birthday as you can tell from the title. I have tried to make it really fun for him, but it is most difficult when he scheduled a meeting in France for today and tomorrow. So I needed to improvise a little to make sure he felt a little special today as we have to really celebrate tomorrow. I woke up this morning...early and made him some hot and fresh blueberry muffins and cut up some fresh fruit for a birthday breakfast. That and I sang him "Happy Birthday" in German to which he called me a huge dork.

I have more things planned for tomorrow after he gets home from work, but I have a feeling nothing will quite measure up to last years festivities for his 30th. For the few of you who weren't there we had a huge party at our old house in Le Claire. The party was supposed to start at 6pm, but ended up starting at noon. There was BBQ, corn hole, an over priced ice cream cake, lots of drinks, and of course Rock Band! This year he gets me and a night on the town...probably not as good as this...
Much later...
Oh well. I will do my best! So far he liked the breakfast and loved the new pair of lime green snowboarding pants I got him. More on TJ's birthday part 2 later.
Auf Wiedersehen!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Will and I were talking about TJ's party last year...good times!

TJ said...

thanks for making my 31 a great one