Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Prague at Night

Prague turned into be quite a party place for us. It wasn't intentional, but we did our fair share of drinking. We watch a show on the FLN called "Three Sheets" and we caught the Prague one right before we headed out, so almost immediately we stopped to have the country's widely known Pilsner and a quick bite. It's called Pilsner Urqull, which means original pilsner, and I fell in love. Here's TJ at an Italian restaurant about 5 seconds after we checked into the hotel. It was a good stop.

Tht same night we spent a great deal of time at the Prague Christmas Market, aka the best Christmas Market ever! It was cold, but so much fun. The hot wine and treats were fantastic! I really liked the spiced hot wine...it is delicious and keeps a lady warm! This was my first cup of wine in Prague.

As you can see from the photo below, the Market is a happening place, with tons of people and a lot of pretty too. And we heard just about every language walking through- it was so diverse.

And as the night went on...it just got busier and more fun. It also got prettier as the lights were so beautiful after dark.

As we drank our wine, we listened to a couple of medievil bands that were quite entertaining. They could play every instrument...they could play a beer can if you asked them to.

We took a break from the party to check out Prague Castle at night...just a few blocks away. It was our first look and it was worth leaving the market to see.

Our night did not end there. We weren't ready to go to the hotel so we found a great bar called, The Beer Factory. And that it was! Its a bar that allows you to pull your own drafts of Pilsner Urquell all night long. There are four taps at each table and a digital meter to keep track of your liters drank. Here I am pulling the first one...the rest didn't have as much foam after the first.

And it gets better. They have a screen that keeps track of each table's consumption, so if you are in the mood to compete...you can. The first picture is of TJ under the screen. We were sitting next to 2 Aussie couples that we became friendly with and they were kicking everyone's butt. Last I checked they had consumed 28 beers between the four of them! And they hadn't even been there long. The second picture is one of them showing us how they do it down under!

The following night, Christmas Eve, nothing was open and even the markets were shut down so we laid low in the hotel with some Bohemian Sekt and Pilsner Urquell and watched a few fights on TV...you know, what everyone does on the Eve of Christ's birth.
The next day we went on what might have been the coldest tour ever. So naturally we went to a late lunch/early dinner for heat and drinks. It was soooooo good. And from there we met up with the four Aussies again at a bar I cannot pronounce or spell. We had some beer and some fun and then continued on back to the Beer Factory, which had magically turned into a discotech in two days...or at least after a certain hour. Again, more fun.

Like I posted yesterday, Prague is fun and I hope you have enjoyed reading about our trip. We haven't anything planned for this month's travels, but I am sure it will include some snowboarding. We see!
Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG- That picture is of TJ under the tap isn't it??? That is a disaster waiting to happen. Prague looks fun!