Friday, January 29, 2010

Chamonix Apres Ski

In Europe, partying after skiing is kind of a big deal and everyone does it...its called Apres Ski. TJ and I certainly participated, but had two extremely different experiences! Our first day snowboarding in Le Tour was super fun so we decided to Apres Ski at the bottom of the mountain near the lift like many others. It wasn't wild, and it didn't have the cheesey Apres Ski music, but it was still fun and was the beginning of an great night. Here we are enjoying our first beer on the terrace.

And me...

The beers weren't that big, but the French lady questioned me when I said I wanted a big one. I wanted to say, "Hey Lady, I have been living in Germany for a year and a half and this is the tiniest large beer I have ever seen!" But of course, I know like 10 French words and didn't know how to say it.
But we had a nice view as the sun went down and it was really pretty, and very cold so we went inside for another before our ski bus came.

After that we decided to find a place to eat as we had worked up quite an appetite, and we stopped along the route in the cutest town ever called Argentiere. There we found a British Pub called, "The Office". It was a great little place that had the best burgers! They were huge and we were so hungry we both ate the entire thing...I can't remember the last time I ate a huge burger! Any way we enjoyed some more beer and headed for the hotel.
So we realized the second night that the first night was very tame. We got into Chamonix around 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon and found this place called, "Chambre Neuf" or "Room Nine", and it turned into a wild, busy, and fun place!

It seems we got there early as it appeared to be a pub as you can see the picture of TJ below.

It soon became a packed party house with people everywhere and a great British band called the "Bored Poets". They were really good and the patrons had no trouble drinking and singing along to the Apres Ski music.

Most of these people hadn't eaten as they came right from the slopes so it was a drunken mess, just ask TJ. I had driven that day so I had one early on and then was able to witness the demise of the Apres Skiers! We did make some friends of the British and middle-aged variety. They were super friendly...a bunch of guys who used to play Rugby together that take three trips a year to basically get wild and celebrate their friendship. According to one, "You wouldn't believe it, but many of these baboons are captains of industry in England!" They were a hoot! But I am pretty sure their wives would be I decided to post a nice picture of maybe half of them! They happen to be watching one of them hang from a rafter with a few twenty-teens!

I hope that my four besties and I can still have that much fun on our annual trips when we are in our 50's!
The only bad part about this place was the odor. Hundreds of skiers and boarders packed into a place after sweating the entire day in sweaty and wet ski clothes! It was really stinky, but at least everyone was in the same boat!
Once again, good times had by all on one of our European vacations!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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