Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jet Lag or Something Else?

TJ, Tut, and I all got back on Sunday from our trips to the United States and I seem to be the only one with a jet lag problem! I am usually the one who is without this issue and get myself back normal by the end of day two. This would be day four and I am dying! What I would give for a normal day, and then a normal full night of sleep. Tut sure isn't helping matters as he was banished from our bed this Spring...yet has spent the last two months sleeping with his Grandma so now believes he should be able to sleep with us and has been very persistent through each sleepless night. He isn't the entire problem though as last night I found myself lying awake feeling achy. So now I can't help but wonder...could this be the beginnings of some awful illness and not the dreaded jet lag? I think probably not, but I still can't help but wonder as I spent a good few hours in the O'Hare airport and then about 8-ish hours on a plane. For now I have decided to diagnose myself as having jet lag and being extremely dehydrated. If I don't feel even the slightest bit better, my next action is to run as fast as I can to the chiro to get adjusted to see if that might help. We see...wish me luck though, I haven't time to be sick as the next wave of visitors arrives in one week!
Auf Wiedersehen!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Augusta Love

I spent a few days in Augusta, Georgia earlier this week and loved every minute of it! I got there on Saturday night and immediately headed to an old favorite spot for dinner and drinks with old friends. The Wild Wing Cafe should never be missed if you ever make it to Augusta- they have great food, beer, and football! I spent the first portion of the evening there with my old work friends and the DI Club Wrap...delicious. Here are some of them...

After that we headed dowtown with a group to Tribecca- across the street from where I used to work. TJ posed for a pic with Melissa, a friend that will be coming to Germany in 2 weeks with her husband and I can't wait!

The band playing there was called "Electric VooDoo", and it stars our friend Rob on the drums. The lead guitarist and vocalist was also might not be able to tell but he only has one hand and he is so good!

Sunday I hung out with TJ before going to workout at Health Central. It was awesome! I did Bodypump and RPM and felt invigorated and then awfully sore the following day after Bodystep! It was fantastic and I am sorry it ended so soon as won't get another real Les Mills class for a while. Later that night after a well deserved shower we went out with more old friends to another favorite local eatery, the Bee's Knees. Again, delicious! Here we are with Barbara and Paul...

My last full day in Georgia I spent at Health Central for the most part. I loved working there and still love everyone the works and works out there. One of my favorite visits was a lunch with Melissa and Jennifer, probably my two best friends there. We had such a good time! Here are Jennifer and I, isn't she so pretty...

Later that night I met some friends for wine at the Bistro and then headed to my all-time favorite restaurant, Tako Sushi, for a company dinner. It was the perfect end to a great trip! I will miss you Augusta! Until then, Auf Wiedersehen!

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Night With David Sedaris

Last night was near perfect for me as my mom and best friend, Rebecca, made the journey to Quad Cities to see my most favorite author, David Sedaris, read several essays he has been working on. Listening to him read is certainly far better in person than over audiobook because the energy of the other listeners makes it far more fun. And he also speaks freely about his inspriation for some of the pieces and has a Q & A at the end, so it was nice to be able to witness his candour. In fact, at first I was disappointed that we didn't hear any stories about his brother, who is one of my favorites, and then later found out that he is "punishing" him by not writing about him at the moment...which is so funny if you know his brother! He also recommends other authors as well, which I appreciate since I have been saving his last book until his next book comes out for fear I won't have anything else that I want to read. The books he mentioned are: Our Dumb World and Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned in case you are looking for something else that he would read. In addition to David's fabulousness, the icing on the cake for me was him mentioning his favorable experience the Downtown Davenport YMCA...and further in the pool there. This tickled me silly for many, if I had still been the Aquatics Director there and Sedaris walked in I might have possibly screamed and/or fainted; and two, I have always believed that the Downtown Y is the best one in the QCA even though it is old and not as pretty. I love that he told the entire auditorium that he liked it too and lets hope they get a few new members or two out of it!
All in all it was a fantastic evening and I would do it again in a heartbeat! If you have the opportunity to see David Sedaris you should, but at the very least please pick up one of his favorite is Me Talk Pretty One Day. I soon leave for Augusta, Georiga to see TJ and other friends and food, so I will update you on that next week.
Auf Wiedersehen!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

KC Girls Trip

Each year I look forward to the amazing few days that my 4 best friends from high school and I get to share together. For the last seven years we have been to different destinations enjoying the company of eachother on our annual girls trip. This year the destination was Kansas City and it was fabulous! I would like to think it is especially exciting for me (although all of us probably think this) as living in Germany has its share of girlfriend limitations. For example it is a rare occassion that I find myself without my husband and instead out with 4 bright, intelligent, beautiful, and very fun (not to mention English-speaking) women for drinks on a given night no matter the occassion!
The trip itself was low-key as we spent a lot of time shopping and gabbing at restaurants, with the special highlights being a night out at Howl at the Moon, and a private showing of Couples Retreat in a VIP screening room complete with recliners and alcoholic beverages. I think it speaks greatly that of all the trips I have taken in the last year, the one that means the most to me is 5 days I spent KC with my best friends...I love them (although the south of France is a close second)! I mean just look at us...

I can't wait for next year!!! We are thinking warmer and all-inclusive as KC was unseasonably cold this year...of course. Thanks girls, for another amazing trip!
Auf Wiedersehen!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Weekend in Iowa City

After about a million hours waiting on United Airlines to get their crap together and transport me to Iowa...I made it a day and a few hours later. It was perfect timing as my best friend, Laura, and her boyfriend came back to Iowa as well for his first visit. It was so fun on Thursday night and Friday for Laura, Rebecca, and I to get together and catch up a bit...and even more fun to make the trip to Iowa City with Laura and Scott on Saturday. A fall trip back to Iowa would have not been complete for either of us without and early morning tailgate and a Iowa Hawkeye Football game! And it was cold- I swear it felt like a November game! Laura and I, as well as other tailgating friends bundled up for the occassion!

It was Laura's boyfriend, Scott, who had his first Iowa tailgating experience as he is a Washington alum (boo-hiss). He was a good sport and purchased some Hawkeye attire and joined the festivities like an old pro!

After about 4 hours of good, clean tailgating we made the journey to the stadium...complete with bathroom break about half way there! The rest of us waited patiently...

Go Hawks! They played Arkansas State- and we made it to the stadium for pre-game for Scott to get the full experience.

We won, but the game sucked so we were ready for an old fashioned night out in Iowa City with college friends Jill, Joanne, and Andrew. First stop...MICKEY"S!!! Lore and I miss the best sandwich ever, the conglomeration! Here we are in our old routine!

After dinner we started a mini bar crawl that included Brother's, Martini's, The Union, and Bo James. Here is a snap of the girls at Tini's...

It was a good time and I hope for something similar next year, minus the mean hangover the next day! This weekend brings my annual girls trip- which is always my favorite trip of the year!!! We are leaving for Kansas City tomorrow and I can't wait! More details next week.
Auf Wiedersehen!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Oktoberfest 2009

Oktoberfest this year was just as good as last year...but very different too. We did different things outside of the tent, were with different people, but of course drank the same beer...and lots of it! TJ and the boys headed down to Munich via train early Friday morning while Steph and I waited for UPS to arrive with Kremer's lederhosen and then headed down about 1:00 pm. We were certainly tardy to the party as TJ was already three sheets and taking a Kremer, myself, and Steph got dressed and headed down to Theresianpark where the festivities were taking place. This is us with our road beers entering the park in our garb for the first time!

We quickly found the rest of the gang at the carousel bar, which quickly became home base for our crew. It was a carousel...but where the horses where supposed to be there was a huge bar instead. Needless to say we liked it there a lot and they made a ton of money off us! Here we are at our Table on Friday with a random called "the braid". You can see Steph in the sea of hosen!

Later that night...another random in a pink hat with Tommy, Spain, and Steph...

Some of us went home at a decent hour while others stayed out until all hours. Spain, Kremer, and Steph were struggling the next morning. All but Kremer made it to the tent...and its too bad because it is really fun in there! Just us and 8500 of our closest pals...

There was prosting and singing...

Consumption and double vision...

And complete and utter joy with more prosting and singing!

In the next picture Jim is wearing a heart around his neck with a picture of himself, Tommy, and TJ in it. At mst festivals it is common for girls to wear the gingerbread version of these that have a message on them like "Ich liebe dich" or "I love you". His said Oktoberfest and he wore it the whole day! So fun.

The tent was fun and we ended back at the carousel bar. This one sums it up!

If you haven't been you need to go...and if you don't have the time of your life you might suck. So until next year...perhaps...Auf Wiedersehen!