Thursday, February 11, 2010

Winter is Killing Me!

This winter has been the pits! There are many reasons why I think that, but the big one happens to be that Germany is getting the most snow it has received in like 30 years. It is already gray outside for at least 3 months of the year - most of them in the winter, and now it seems that we have cold temps and day after day of snow to match. I can't decide what I would prefer in a season like this...a cold Iowa winter with snow and the sun...or a colder and snowier than usual German winter with ugly gray skies. That's a tough one. I can say that in Iowa people need special equipment to remove snow and here all you need is a broom to sweep the sidewalk. Oh and by the way, there is some sort of law here that says you need to have your part of the sidewalk sweeped by a certain hour of the morning. Apparently if someone slips on your portion, you are liable! Some of these laws are a little much. Any way, the silver lining to all of this awful weather was going to be my trip to warm and sunny Georgia for house hunting next week, that is until I read my Facebook posts this morning. The Augusta Weatherman's wife is my friend and she posted that they are supposed to get snow today, which means the whole city shuts down after everyone has raided all the grocery stores. And it will probably happen too, because Rucker's always right and the TJ and I are coming to town! Just figures!
Other than crappy weather, nothing much has been going on around here with TJ in the States. I did get my TV back (thank you so much, Nick)...before this happened last night I spent the week organizing and cleaning the house, planning an excursion to Switzerland for when my folks come next month, and mustering up the will to do the inventory of the house we need to do for relocation. It is seriously the worst part of moving countries, though I guess I will get that done this weekend. Also on tap for this weekend: coffee with Hazel, the Penny Bazaar, and the Fasching Parade. If I make it to the parade (pending the weather) I should have photos posted on Monday. Thats it for now!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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