Tuesday, September 22, 2009

WurstMarkt...Nope Best Market!

I know I am behind in my blogs, but blogger was not uploading for some reason and then I spent the last few days in Spain with Steph...but last Saturday we took her to the Bad Durkheim WurstMarkt (Wine Festival) and of course had a very good time. We wenr with some of our German friends which made it even better, and they were so excited that Steph was enjoying her time here. It was really cute! We decided that we had better take before wine pictures for good measure so here they are...

We made TJ and Konrad do the same thing! We did the thing where we got street food and wine and then all but Jens, myself, and Steph hit some rides as we then became wine and coat holders...here is one of the rides.

Shortly there after we entered a tent with a bad and found a large table and dancing space to accommodate the group. Here is our table with some of the group!

And then a look later at night of the whole tent when everyone began dancing on tables.

We didn't get on any tables, but it didn't stop us from dancing!

And consuming ridiculous amounts of wine!

It was a blast and some good training for Oktoberfest this weekend. When we left the tent the party really must have started as this is what we were welcomed to...crazy crowds.

This festival has been coined as the largest in the world...I am not completely sure that this is true, but I kind of believe it! So much fun...and we had even more since then! More on that later.
Auf Wiedersehen!

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